Extension Articles about Dairy Cattle Lameness and Hoof Health
The following articles are a small sample of those that can be found on DairyWeb, a comprehensive and up-to-date on-line library of information about dairy cattle production. Click on a title to view the complete article. To browse or search the complete contents of DairyWeb, click here.
These articles are all in portable document format (pdf), requiring Adobe Reader to open.
Title: Lameness delays conception Summary: Describes a study which demonstrated a significant reduction in conception likelihood for lame cows. |
Title: Stall Surfaces and Lameness Affect Cow Behaviour Summary: Describes a trial which tested preference for stall type (sand or mattress) by cows with varying degrees of lameness. |
Title: A BC Perspective on Lameness Summary: Describes management changes made by BC dairy farmers to reduce lameness. |
Title: The High Cost of Lameness: What you can do about it Summary: Describes the assessment, costs and risk factors of lameness. |
Title: Minimizing Lameness through Conformation Analysis Summary: Describes measures used to determine Holstein Canada's Feet and Legs Score and their effect on lameness risk. |
Title: Prevention and control of foot problems in dairy cows Summary: Describes types of foot problems, anatomy of hoof, laminitis, digital dermatitis, hoof-care treatments and prevention management of foot problems. |
Title: Trigger Factors for Lameness and the Dual Role of Cow Comfort in Herd Lameness Dynamics Summary: Describes how facilities affect the incidence of lameness in lactating cows. |
Title: Lameness in Cattle: Causes and Consequences Summary: Describes the causes of laminitis and explains how laminitis can lead to other hoof disorders. |
Title: Using Locomotion Scoring to Put Together a Program to Reduce Lameness on the Dairy Summary: Proposes locomotion scoring to identify lame cows followed by identification of cause and specific corrective actions. |
Title: Preventing and Treating Lameness Summary: Describes the structure of the foot and explains how lameness can be prevented. |
Title: Can We Prevent Hoof Problems? Summary: Discusses structure of foot, how dysfunction of the corium leads to the production of defective hoof horn, and how lameness may occur. |
Title: Interrelationships between Housing and Herd Health Summary: Describes causes of lameness and environment effects on udder health. |
Title: Nutrition and Claw Health Summary: Describes interactions between cow nutrition and lameness. |
Title: Changes in standing behaviour identify cows at risk for digital and interdigital dermatitis Summary: Describes a study which showed that standing behaviour had an effect on the incidence of digital and interdigital dermatitis in cows. |
Title: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Adventures at the Claw-Floor Interface Summary: Describes the detection, diagnosis, causes and treatment of lameness in dairy cows. |
Title: Feeding to Minimize Aciodosis and Laminitis in Dairy Cows Summary: Describes feeding strategies to reduce the incidence and severity of subacute ruminal acidosis in lactating cows. |
Title: Automatic Detection of Lameness in Dairy Cows Summary: Describes a system for detection of lameness in dairy cows as they walk through a modified cattle scale. |
Title: Effect of Flooring and/or Flooring Surfaces on Lameness Disorders in Dairy Cattle Summary: Describes the effects of flooring on lameness. |
Title: Copper Sulfate for Footbaths - Issues and Alternatives Summary: Describes the environmental implications of copper sulphate use for cattle footbaths. |
Title: Lameness in Fraser Valley Herds Summary: Reports results of a survey of the prevalence of 7 hoof disorders in British Columbia dairy herds. |
Title: Too Many Lame Cows - How Can You Know? What Can Be Done? Summary: Describes protocols for determining and reducing the level of lameness in a herd. |
Title: Lameness in Ontario Dairy Herds Summary: Summarizes a study that documented the prevalence of 11 hoof ailments among 13,350 cows. |
Title: Nutritional Influences on Horn Quality and Hoof Health Summary: Summarizes the processes involved in formation of claw horn, focusing on the influence of nutritional factors on horn production, horn quality and hoof health. |
Title: Flooring Options to Minimize Lameness and Optimize Welfare Summary: Describes the effects of various flooring surfaces on hoof health and cow welfare. |
Title: Lameness in Dairy Cattle – New Research on Gait and Housing Summary: Reviews recent research on lameness in dairy cows, focusing on the scientific assessment of impaired gait, and how such impairment can be prevented through improvements in housing. |
Title: Preventing and Treating Dairy Cattle Lameness Summary: Describes causes, prevention and treatment of lameness due to hoof injury. |
Title: Hoof Health on Rubber Mats versus Slatted Concrete Summary: Rubber flooring increased cow activity and decreased the incidence of some hoof disorders but not others. |